articles on news websites – print articles – front page news
We were delighted by the level of publicity we got for the app and our launch event.
On the Monday following the event, coverage appeared on the website of Swindon’s Link magazine:
And just two days later, it appeared in the Swindon Advertiser, both in the paper and on their website:
And a week after that, a copy of the Link dropped through my letterbox with a great shot of two of the young people on the front cover!
Miss Dare, media teacher from Commonweal School:
This has been a fantastic opportunity for students. They have been given an insight into how an app is planned and developed, giving them invaluable experience working with industry experts. Students got involved in illustration, scripting, marketing and digital design and programming, which they thoroughly enjoyed. Digital Writes provided an accessible project and supportive environment for a diverse range of students. We look forward to more projects in the future!
Miss Urquhart, English teacher, Lydiard Park Academy:
I like the fact we worked with other schools, and that young people with all sorts of abilities and conditions have been able to work on it. Digital Writes’ tutors are laid back with the students, which is nice, as it’s a different approach.
Mr Mercer, teacher, Crowdys Hill Special School:
The Digital Writes project was a fantastic opportunity for students to work with professional artists and game designers to stretch their technical and creative skills in ways that’s very hard for me to do as a classroom teacher. It’s been a brilliant opportunity that I’m so glad they’ve been able to take part in.
Dylan, programming and coding:
The sessions were amazing! They were really really fun, and I really enjoyed learning how to build the app.
Emily, design:
It’s been really fun working with David [Cousens, illustrator].
Ben, writing and design:
It’s been great to find out how to create a professional app, and how much time and effort is needed to make such an advanced product.
Mya, design:
It is an amazing opportunity to be able to work on a real project. Normally the projects we do at school don’t mean much, as they are just there as tasks. It’s amazing that we can actually produce something which will be for sale in the app store. Its going to look great on my CV and college applications.