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New Employee Starter Form

Digital Writes Employee Starter Form

As a new employee Digital Writes needs the information on this form before your first payday to tell HMRC about you and help us use the correct tax code.

For help filling in this form watch HMRC's short YouTube video: www.youtube.com/hmrcgovuk

The information you enter here will be temporarily stored on our secure server and emailed to a Digital Writes Director via our secure server according to our Privacy Policy.

Personal Details

Do not enter initials or shortened names such as Jim for James or Liz for Elizabeth.
We apologise if your gender is not available. These are the only options allowed by HMRC for the purposes of employee registration.

Employee Statement

Choose the statement that applies to you, either A, B or C. It’s important that you choose the correct statement. If you do not choose the correct statement you may pay too much or too little tax.

Statement A

Do not choose this statement if you’re in receipt of a State, Works or Private Pension.

Choose this statement if the following applies.

This is my first job since 6 April and since the 6 April I’ve not received payments from any of the following:

  • Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Incapacity Benefit

Statement B

Do not choose this statement if you’re in receipt of a State, Works or Private Pension.

Choose this statement if the following applies.

Since 6 April I have had another job but I do not have a P45. And/or since the 6 April I have received payments from any of the following:

  • Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Incapacity Benefit

Statement C

Choose this statement if:

  • you have another job and/or
  • you’re in receipt of a State, Works or Private Pension

Student Loan

For more guidance about repaying, go to: www.gov.uk/repaying-your-student-loan

Student loan plans

You’ll have a Plan 1 Student Loan if:

  • you lived in Scotland or Northern Ireland when you started your course (undergraduate or postgraduate)
  • you lived in England or Wales and started your undergraduate course before 1 September 2012

You’ll have a Plan 2 Student Loan if:

  • you lived in England or Wales and started your undergraduate course on or after 1 September 2012
  • your loan is a Part Time Maintenance Loan
  • your loan is an Advanced Learner Loan
  • your loan is a Postgraduate Healthcare Loan

Postgraduate Loan

For more guidance about funding and repaying, go to: www.gov.uk/funding-for-postgraduate-study

You’ll have a Postgraduate Loan if:

  • you lived in England and started your Postgraduate Master’s course on or after 1 August 2016
  • you lived in Wales and started your Postgraduate Master’s course on or after 1 August 2017
  • you lived in England or Wales and started your Postgraduate Doctoral course on or after 1 August 2018
